
Open data

The value of open geospatial data in Denmark

The Basic Data Programme aims to provide open, free and standardised data about Denmark and its citizens. As of 2018, a large part of this data is to be distributed through a shared distribution platform called the Data Distribution Platform (Datafordeler). A selection of Danish geospatial data (geodata) was made freely available on 1st January 2013. Freely available geodata (open geodata) is currently distributed through the Danish Data and Map Supply (previously Kortforsyningen)

Following the release of geodata in 2013, a baseline analysis was carried out estimating the socio-economic value of geodata before it became open geodata. The analysis was designed so that follow-up analysis could be carried out in 2016, using the same analysis design. In this way, a valid comparison basis was created for the two analyses. The socio-economic value of geodata was calculated as both a production effect and an efficiency effect in the public and private sector, respectively.

The follow-up analysis carried out in 2016, showed a significant development in the use of open geodata since the release. The number of users on increased from 800 to 60.000, and hits on increased from 800 million to 3.3 billion. Results from the analyses indicate that the socio-economic value of open geodata has more than doubled. In 2012, the value of geodata was estimated to be approximately 1.6 billion DKK; and in 2016, approximately 3.5 billion DKK.

The significant increase in socio-economic value is a result of the influence of geodata on creating a more effective public administration and forming the basis for growth in the private sector. Open geodata contributes to more efficient work processes for both public authorities and private companies. Moreover, geodata is increasingly being used to create new innovative products in areas such as climate adaptation and industry analysis; all of which adds value to society.

The follow-up analysis shows that there is still great potential in the use of open geodata. For example, geodata still has a huge impact on the efficiency drive within the public sector; and, it is also expected to expand into new areas of the public sector. In addition, there is an expectation within many private companies that open geodata will make future products and markets more forward-looking. Thus, open geodata is expected to continue to have a positive effect on the growth of companies.